
6 Things that Keep Me Coming Back to Chinese Girls

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Mia

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(Disclaimer: This post is mainly about Mainland Chinese girls, NOT ABC’s. I like Chinese people, A LOT. Hence why I’m writing an article to explain why you should too. I understand some people may have opinions that differ from mine and, that being the case, I would love to discuss them in civil manner at the bottom of the page.)

by Kane Vast

Everyone is going on about why Japanese girls or Korean girls are the best etc. etc etc.  So I thought I would throw my thoughts into the mix. I’ve been in China for about 5 years and have dated (and am dating!) Chinese girls almost exclusively so if anybody knows something about Chinese girls…

Read More: How to Meet and Date Chinese girls » 

That’s it for my flashy intro, now to THE RAW FACTS. Here we go…

1. Chinese Women Are Super Feminine and Sweet

They know that looking beautiful and being feminine is what gives them power and value in their culture (which I don’t personally agree with….I think people should be valued for their personalities and uniqueness). They leverage this as much as possible, which is necessary as typically girls can’t yet earn as much money as guys in Mainland China. Chinese girls have this particular thing they do called 撒娇 (sa jiao is the pinyin for those of you awesome enough to be studying Chinese) which means to behave in a cutesy way, usually in a slightly immature way, to make the guy do what they want.

Think of a girl trying to persuade a guy to go shopping with her but in a SUPER CUTE way using the way she speaks, expresses herself, flutters her eyes, etc. In China, guys are more highly valued by their parents because when they get married they will stick around and look after their own parents. In old school China, the wife would join and look after the husbands family, as well. This is why, sadly, girls in China aren’t given enough credit for their awesomeness. Anyone who needs evidence of Chinese girls being awesome should go to Mix or San Li Tun village in Beijing, or just email me when you get to Shanghai.

Read More: Where to Meet Chinese Girls in Beijing »

I’ll be around. ..and I’ll show you where we hide all the beautiful girls in Shanghai.  In terms of being feminine and doing themselves up well, the Chinese certainly have competition—Hong Kong girls, Japanese girls, and, lastly, the Koreans are all vying for the top spot in Asia. But one thing Chinese girls excel at beyond all the others is sweetness. Chinese girls are really polite and sweet to those who treat them well – there isn’t much bitchiness or rudeness from them, though this can vary depending where you are in China… farmers are farmers, after all.

Also just for fun: Chinese girls usually have pretty decent bodies and faces, there are a large amount of average girls around….but this is pretty location dependent and also relates a bit to how rich the city is. The more money or prestige a city has the larger number of beautiful girls that will reside there. Girls from the north are tall and extremely delicate; their faces are rounder and slightly heart shaped. Girls from the south can be a little stockier but are still extremely good looking. While Every province in China says they have the most beautiful, I would say the best are in ChengDu simply because the girls there eat a lot of Chilli and that seems to do three very good things.

  • They have extremely beautiful soft skin.
  • The chilli comes through in their personalities and they are more playful than most other Chinese girls, reminding more of South American girls in some ways.
  • The girls in ChengDu have a fantastic body shape – in all the right spots – which again also reminds me a bit of South American girls.

Having said that though… I would say Chinese girls in general probably have the largest chest growth in Asia, which both them and I are happy about.

2. Chinese Women Are Characterized by Strong Gender Roles

Unlike the West, everyone has a pretty strongly defined sense of what men and what women should do. This is changing in the bigger cities, though, as more and more women are entering the work force and becoming more independent. But so far, the change is quite minuscule and usually women are only getting jobs to give their families face. Women’s roles in China typically are to rule over the household, spend/organize the husbands money (secret bank accounts are the norm), decide how and what the children study and to also keep herself beautiful.

It’s a matriarchal set up and although it may seem that the men are in charge, by and large its actually the women who are in charge and they are just giving the men face. As a Foreign guy you won’t usually have to deal with a lot of the drama or issues our Chinese counterparts do (I’d like to send my gratitude out to my Chinese boys), since typically girls who like foreigners also like to look after them as they’re in a foreign country and are usually lost and confused.

I will say that Chinese girls from big cities are a bit different from girls from small cities. Right now, this very minute, my girlfriend (yes I have a girlfriend, who I am not currently fetishizing but may later, more than once, with the lights on) is cooking up some wonderful Chinese food for us, after which I will most certainly be expected to do the dishes. She is a big city girl and hates dishes… if she was from a smaller city then she would do all the domestic stuff and would consider me very weird or potentially sweet for helping her do it. So the further you get away from big cities the stronger the gender roles become. Deep in the wilds of China they would probably be equal to the gender roles of Thailand. Sometimes I get all warm inside when I’m allowed to be a man…

3. Chinese Women Are Excited about Western Culture

Chinese – Are – Excited. In the last decade or so China has gotten very excited about the West and that means that pretty much anything Western is cool, sort of. Western TV shows, English, every expensive brand of luxury item…the Chinese have it. A while back there were some big shifts in culture and that left a bit of a gap. Since then, a weird mixture of money culture and western culture has quickly swept in to fill that gap, especially with the 九零后 (90s ‘jiu ling hou’) generation.

Many girls watch Vampire diaries and various other Western TV Shows with hunky Western guys (no homo) which in turn makes them curious about foreigners. So, being a foreigner (ie. Non Chinese person) in China gets you a huge lift in value, probably due to having native English skills and knowing about the outside world. The luckiest foreigners are those with blonde hair, big blue eyes, and white skin, since those features are considered extremely attractive by the Chinese. The obvious result is that many guys who didn’t get much play at home suddenly get TONS of play in China.

The girls they go for typically aren’t very beautiful by Chinese standards but, regardless of that, most Western guys find socializing here a lot easier simply because many people forgive the retarded mistakes they make. To top it off, a lot of girls want to get a Western boyfriend as he typically earns more than the average Chinese guy and is generally more fun due to having a lot more social experience. Chinese people (guys especially) study and work extremely hard hence do not have the free time necessary to go chase girls all the the time.

Want to know how bad it is? Think 8 year olds with 3 hours of homework each and every night. It really is great being a foreigner in China. The foreigner effect is still quite powerful in Shanghai and Beijing, but it seems to be 10x more powerful in smaller cities. Still, step out of the big cities and your mileage might not be as good – small town girls are a bit more traditional and things move a little more slowly in smaller cities.

4. Open Minded about Sex

China has gone through some changes and a while back sex was a bit of a no no. With the older generation it still kinda is. Even still, at 1.4 billion people they must have been busy. Luckily, because there are so many people here, it is relatively easy to find girls who are experienced or willing to learn. A lot of Asian girls don’t view themselves as very sexual and this is generally the case for most Chinese girls due to a lack of sexual education and the fact that sex is still a pretty taboo thing.

Thankfully with Chinese culture most of what you see on the outside is just a mask while inside is whats real. Those of you who have lived in China and embraced it will get what I mean. This means that behind closed doors Chinese girls are quite adventurous and interested in sex and all the dirty little things that can happen. They mostly know very little about it, though, as their only options for learning about sex are talking to friends or watching porn. This means if you are a Western guy then you probably have more sexual experience than a lot of Chinese girls.

Read More: How to Turn Your Woman Into a Wanton Sex Fanatic »

Of course, differences based on the type of girl you go for can be fairly large. From my own personal experiences I’ve found that approximately 1 out of 10 Chinese girls is curious about girl on girl action and generally willing to go all the way with it. In terms of standard guy and girl sex, Chinese girls are curious and accommodating… leading us to the next part.

5. Eager to Please

Chinese girls treat their boyfriends very well, no matter where they come from, and are generally honest and considerate. There are always exceptions and a few speed bumps due to differences in culture and upbringing but, as a general rule, Chinese girls are kind, considerate and caring. The Chinese are told what to do throughout their life by their parents, teachers and then their bosses so they don’t usually get a lot of time for free thinking or making their own decisions.

Social pressure is huge, so they feel a lot of pressure to conform to what society/their peers think are the correct things to do. An obvious consequence is that sometimes your girlfriend won’t understand what you want her to do. A lot of girls haven’t dated a foreigner before and readily accept stereotypes about foreigners and what foreigners want…in China, you have to be quite direct about what you expect from her and what you are going to give back.

Point her in the right direct, give her a smile and a tickle and it will all work out. Most girls from big cities, especially Shanghai, aren’t going to cook – they don’t know how to and overwhelmingly prefer having dinner at restaurants. It’s almost a sport here. Ask one to show you traditional food they can have a plate in front of you in a jiffy. Different locations bring different sorts of people. As China is a very big place, the experiences you can have can be quite different from person to person. Here is a list of things girls have done for me over the years. This should give you a much better idea just how well Chinese girls can treat you:

  • cooking—always great;
  • making scarfs—pretty awesome to get as a gift, to be honest;
  • massaging me—in wonderful places;
  • Showing me around Shanghai: being shown around by a local can be one of the best ways to experience any city you’re in;
  • helping me find a vet for my dog—because who doesn’t love puppies?;
  • teaching me Chinese—Chinese language is invaluable for meeting women here;
  • introduced me to very Chinese experiences I otherwise wouldn’t have had (fried grasshoppers anyone?)—if you’re in an amazing country, really, what can be better than experiencing many aspects of it?
  • worked with me to pick up another girl for a threesome—nothing says love like loving two girls at once;
  • helping me save face in awkward situations—nothing brings out the awkward situations like living in another country; your girl can help you navigate the social world in intimate ways;
  • Taken me to hospital…don’t want to talk about it;
  • buying me medicine when I was sick—which made me feel a lot better!;
  • reminding me to eat more, wear more clothing and avoid getting cancer from various house hold electrical appliances—nothing will cut your dating life short like getting cancer.

There are a bunch more I could add to the list, sexual or otherwise, but I think you get the point. If you treat them right then they generally will treat you very right in return. Chinese girls are pretty easy to get along with, generally really good people and are my favorite girls out of all the different girls in Asia. At this point, it’s pretty obvious why. While Korean girls and Japanese girls are great, nothing tops women from China. Lastly!

6. Chinese women cook great Chinese food!

Chinese food SUCKS….or is TOTALLY AWESOME depending on who you ask and who is cooking.  Now girls from Shanghai aren’t usually gonna win any awards for cooking…..but girls from other places, oh yeah!

Sichuan food is great, Dongbei food is great, and so are all the others – there’s like 8 different cuisines in China and when you get a talented Chinese girl cooking for you, you’re in for a treat. Restaurant food usually sits somewhere between crap to average (in Shanghai) and average to good (in Beijing) to fantastic. Home cooking though is by far the best and I’ve gotten my fair share of it.  Yes, Chinese food can be oily and all that….but the taste is great, one of my favourites is this particular ginger steamed fish! Yummy!

So, if you want to enjoy the great cooking experience of a Chinese girl, find one who isn’t from Shanghai or Beijing, as restaurants in those cities can be great but the girls’ cooking usually isn’t (because they’re too busy being taken out to the restaurants). Also as an extension of your ‘Chinese girl’ cooking for you, if you end up going to her house for Chinese New Year (don’t do it unless you want to get married!) you will usually find that her parents are EVEN BETTER at cooking and I can tell you, I’ve gone to my girlfriend’s house on Chinese New Year and it’s amazing, I end up leaving 3kgs heavier.

Well, I’m off to impregnate my girlfriend, until next time…

172 thoughts on “6 Things that Keep Me Coming Back to Chinese Girls”

  1. Hi Kane,

    I’ve been in China more than 7 years, met college girls, waitresses ,shop assistants, lawyers, english students, married/divorced women, rich girls, girls with masters’, dancers, singers, models and even the ones that do cleaning. Whilst I give you credit for the stuff you’ve experience, I think there are a couple of points you are not identifying correctly and these are:

    The ‘super cute way’ you mentioned is not being feminine, is nagging. Chinese women are feministas instead not feminine. As you know, after the cultural revolution, those traditional values that the women should posses: ‘三从四德’ are not in them since almost 2 generations ago. Ask any chinese women who claims being sweet, feminine and traditional about these ‘三从四德’ and she’ll know you busted her lie.

    The parents and society tells chinese girls what to study, where to work and who to marry with (regardless of how much they swear is not, even the rich girls who claim to have ‘freedom’) so,the result is most of them are unhappy with their lives because they’re doing something that they don’t like. Chinese girls are most of the time moody and always depressed, check the postings on their qq’s and wechat accounts; always something about struggle in life and self conflict with choices.
    I’ve been to countries like Vietnam where the girls might have even a lower status, less salary, more work but guess what? they’re always smiling and their ways are feminine, they’ll hardly argue or behave like a brat, which is what most chinese girls do when you disagree in the smallest thing.
    On the contrary, in China girls often tend to hit or kick their bf’s, you can see on the street these displays of tantrums or acting childish in general, all these Kane, is not being cute or feminine, are sings of immaturity and narcissistic personality disorder due to the one child policy. They take tons of pics of themselves, most of them have at least 12 shots of their faces in a slightly different angle, less about their dogs/cats, some more about the dishes they like and 1 or 2 about their boyfriends. They’re always the centre of attention, no matter what.

    The girls that you’ve dealt with that you claim are not rude or bitchy are mostly the ones used to deal with foreigners and either are paid for that service, have an agenda (hooking u up for english lessons, free dinners, etc) or know how to deal with foreigners due to customer service but once you interact with them in their normal chinese social circle or worst, marry them, they do a 360, even the way they talk changes. I’ve got dozens of friends married to them (even chinese) that verify this situation. For chinese women, they have to give that ‘face’ as you mentioned in order to draw the men into a commitment and after that,they say: ’ I put up with your stuff to get you into me, now you’ll put up with mine’! 😉
    Actually I find farmers more polite and traditionally raised, they posses more chore values and put the family and husband first as a very respected aspect that they have to nourish.
    Regarding the ‘largest chest growth’, I think you were tricked by those padding bra’s here in China my friend. Korean and japanese girls are a bit better.

    I’ve been to all corners of China, and be careful ‘coz SH is the #1 gold digger city here! as you mention, they don’t want to cook, they love watching TV, slepping and eating. Do you reckon that kind of women is a good prospect for being the mum of your children? how about is a girl would say, well, the guys in xxx city can’t start the engine of a car, don’t know how to change a bulb….? ha ha , I don’t think that a type of person who has a lot of social value.

    Another point, in a relationship, chinese girls are not honest nahh… you’re being tricked, they always have a ‘just in case’ boyfriend running in the background, they keep (away from your sight obviously) recent photos, letters, text, conversations, etc about ex-‘s. Also, they secretly attend meetings where their parents introduce them potential marriage material, with out you having a clue! but with them clearly knowing that she’s dating you. Disrespectful at the most but some guys don’t have a clue!.
    As you said, they know foreigners give them another kind of social enjoyment (basically paying for the meals, etc) but in the back they know that their parents would hardly approve marrying you unless your financial stability and background is rock solid. So, you are just there for the fun, contrary to what they make you believe ie. foreigners are players, only play with chinese girls, etc. NO, is the other way round, is just that they love to put the guilt part on your side, again, to keep ‘face’ regardless of what could happen.
    Lastly, all that you say the girl has done for you, is the same that all of them do to us too AT THE BEGINNING STAGES OF THE RELATIONSHIP!! , and I think that’s what it is, you’re just having a perk of one side of them, wait until a couple of years or even marriage and I guarantee you’ll read again what you wrote and you’ll be like: ‘how could I fall into that? ‘ serious, me and other expats we used to think like you and probably even had more attributes to them than you but, as I said, they have their agendas….
    Thanks anyway, for sharing your thoughts.
    P.S. I lived in Shanghai, Beijing, small cities and traveled everywhere so I know what am telling you about 😉

    Take care

    1. Yep. Spot on brother.
      However my experience is with the older Chinese women and they still have the same shitty traits as you have described.
      The guy that had wrote at the beginning is only at the start and will be seeing the signs real soon. He will need more then, “take care”.

      1. So…as someone who teaches others about girls…i can tell you that when done the right way, relationships are uplifting and fun, not depressing traps that leave you scarred by being stuck with terrible people…..

        When catching a bus, where the bus finally ends up depends on the driver…..

        I dunno about you, but i don’t want a childish immature shopaholic driving my bus…..a lot of guys seem to let the girl be in control or are too weak to take control themselves….but not me.

        1. Don, Please do not make this poster feel ashamed of what he is doing. He is fulfulling his dreams, doing what he pleases and providing useful insight. I dont approve of your beta male hyper feminism commentary which only aims to put him down. You have contributed nothing useful to this post and you should be ashamed of your self.

    2. “”I’ve been in China more than 7 years, met college girls, waitresses ,shop assistants, lawyers, english students, married/divorced women, rich girls, girls with masters’, dancers, singers, models and even the ones that do cleaning. Whilst I give you credit for the stuff you’ve experience, I think there are a couple of points you are not identifying correctly and these are””

      Your experience and time in China is impressive, most people don’t last this long.

      “”The ‘super cute way’ you mentioned is not being feminine, is nagging. Chinese women are feministas instead not feminine. As you know, after the cultural revolution, those traditional values that the women should posses: ‘三从四德’ are not in them since almost 2 generations ago. Ask any chinese women who claims being sweet, feminine and traditional about these ‘三从四德’ and she’ll know you busted her lie””

      Chinese women are generally more feminine and sweet in public to give the guy face.

      This does depend on how you treat the girl and the expectations you set in your relationship, if you’re willing to put up with drama and emotional crap, then that’s what you get, if not then you don’t.

      Chinese girls are feminine, you don’t see them fighting or getting grossly wasted, even if i see wasted girls in the club they’re wasted in a kinda feminine sweet way.

      Chinese culture is about maintaining face….so all the old school confucian stuff doesn’t exist anymore really but everyone pretends it does (I’ve actually found girls who are like that…but they are from OLD SCHOOL families who have OLD MONEY, only came across a few of these though).

      “”The parents and society tells chinese girls what to study, where to work and who to marry with (regardless of how much they swear is not, even the rich girls who claim to have ‘freedom’) so,the result is most of them are unhappy with their lives because they’re doing something that they don’t like. Chinese girls are most of the time moody and always depressed, check the postings on their qq’s and wechat accounts; always something about struggle in life and self conflict with choices.””

      Are there any girls anywhere in the world who don’t post their life problems or conflicts through social media?

      Show me one country where people don’t do that (excluding North Korea, where they probably don’t have social media).

      I don’t meet a lot of moody or depressed girls……I think you generally attract what you are…..so if i meet moody or unhappy girls…they don’t usually get along with me too well.

      You essentially get what you focus on.

      “”I’ve been to countries like Vietnam where the girls might have even a lower status, less salary, more work but guess what? they’re always smiling and their ways are feminine, they’ll hardly argue or behave like a brat, which is what most chinese girls do when you disagree in the smallest thing””

      Hahaha yeah I agree with you.

      Places where people focus on money, materialism and being the ‘most successful’ people generally end up being unhappy.

      I find smaller cities in China usually produce happier people.

      “”On the contrary, in China girls often tend to hit or kick their bf’s, you can see on the street these displays of tantrums or acting childish in general, all these Kane, is not being cute or feminine, are sings of immaturity and narcissistic personality disorder due to the one child policy. They take tons of pics of themselves, most of them have at least 12 shots of their faces in a slightly different angle, less about their dogs/cats, some more about the dishes they like and 1 or 2 about their boyfriends. They’re always the centre of attention, no matter what””

      Dude, it’s not ‘often’ if you go for a walk for a day around people square or cloud nine and look at each and every couple lets assume you will see 100 couples.

      Out of those 100 couples you will probably see 0 hitting each other.

      I’ve been in China for 5 years and I think I’ve seen this maybe 10x, I’m talking about serious argumentative hitting.

      Yeah Asian girls are childish, they are taught to be that way….men like to feel big, strong and protective, it wouldn’t work out very well if all the Asian girls I met were like my mum.

      Girls are narcissists….no news flash there dude.

      They constantly receive (the good looking ones) validation in a way that is unimaginable except maybe to super stars….plus their entire value is based on their looks rather than who they are as people…what do you expect?

      When your children are your key to a bright future…yeah…they would be the centre of attention, being a hot girl in Asia also ensures this as what else are they valued for?

      “”The girls that you’ve dealt with that you claim are not rude or bitchy are mostly the ones used to deal with foreigners and either are paid for that service, have an agenda (hooking u up for english lessons, free dinners, etc) or know how to deal with foreigners due to customer service but once you interact with them in their normal chinese social circle or worst, marry them, they do a 360, even the way they talk changes. I’ve got dozens of friends married to them (even chinese) that verify this situation. For chinese women, they have to give that ‘face’ as you mentioned in order to draw the men into a commitment and after that,they say: ’ I put up with your stuff to get you into me, now you’ll put up with mine’!””

      So…you’re saying I’m strictly only meeting Foreign lovers or hookers?
      I would say that most foreign guys who come to China have worse ‘game’ than the Chinese girls, hence they come out of the deal in a weaker position.

      Whenever I meet girls my 2nd question is always ‘have you talked to a foreigner before’ now most girls i’m interested in are the ones who’ve never met a foreigner before.

      Again as for your dozens of friends…..I would say that that is their fault, rather than the fault of the girls.

      Girls just want to be happy in life, they aren’t very complicated….they need you to guide them to happiness, they need you to make decisions for them so they feel secure…if you don’t then they will feel all freaked out and will act up – this is true for the majority of Asian girls due to upbringing and culture.

      “”Actually I find farmers more polite and traditionally raised, they posses more chore values and put the family and husband first as a very respected aspect that they have to nourish.
      Regarding the ‘largest chest growth’, I think you were tricked by those padding bra’s here in China my friend. Korean and japanese girls are a bit better””

      Yeah girls from big cities don’t have much in the way of a soul or values compared to the ‘farmers’, agreed with that.

      Dude….why have you been in China for so long? You seem to be pretty negative about it.

      I have checked and they definitely had big boobs, as for J and K….from experience I can tell you that C girls are better off in this area.

      “”I’ve been to all corners of China, and be careful ‘coz SH is the #1 gold digger city here! as you mention, they don’t want to cook, they love watching TV, slepping and eating. Do you reckon that kind of women is a good prospect for being the mum of your children? how about is a girl would say, well, the guys in xxx city can’t start the engine of a car, don’t know how to change a bulb….? ha ha , I don’t think that a type of person who has a lot of social value.””

      Hence why I haven’t married a Shanghaiese girl, if being hot, dressing well and having a lot of pride makes someone low value….then I guess we look at it differently.

      Shanghaiese girls are bitchy, deceptive and terrible in some ways, but also fantastic in others – they dress better than the majority of other girls in China, they know more about the outside world and they are some of the most feminine girls (with the exception of DongbBei girls, who will always have a special place in my heart, and my pants).

      “”Another point, in a relationship, chinese girls are not honest nahh… you’re being tricked, they always have a ‘just in case’ boyfriend running in the background, they keep (away from your sight obviously) recent photos, letters, text, conversations, etc about ex-‘s. Also, they secretly attend meetings where their parents introduce them potential marriage material, with out you having a clue! but with them clearly knowing that she’s dating you. Disrespectful at the most but some guys don’t have a clue!””

      News flash:
      All people are deceptive.

      Chinese are deceptive because its the culture – I am not even surprised anymore, it’s just how things work, lying doesn’t have the same negative connotation that it does in the West.
      Yeah some people have back ups….that’s again pretty common all over Asia.

      If you set the right expectations from the beginning, you will generally be fine, regardless of country.

      “”As you said, they know foreigners give them another kind of social enjoyment (basically paying for the meals, etc) but in the back they know that their parents would hardly approve marrying you unless your financial stability and background is rock solid. So, you are just there for the fun, contrary to what they make you believe ie. foreigners are players, only play with chinese girls, etc. NO, is the other way round, is just that they love to put the guilt part on your side, again, to keep ‘face’ regardless of what could happen””

      Some parents will approve, some won’t.

      I think your perceptions are a little unrealistic and negative.

      “”Lastly, all that you say the girl has done for you, is the same that all of them do to us too AT THE BEGINNING STAGES OF THE RELATIONSHIP!! , and I think that’s what it is, you’re just having a perk of one side of them, wait until a couple of years or even marriage and I guarantee you’ll read again what you wrote and you’ll be like: ‘how could I fall into that? ‘ serious, me and other expats we used to think like you and probably even had more attributes to them than you but, as I said, they have their agendas….””

      So…..what generally seems to happen is that guys treat girls a particular way at the beginning of the relationship (i.e they try harder) and over time this changes and they put in less and less effort, this happens because it’s hard to maintain the same amount of effort and you seem to be doing so for the same reward (which makes very little sense to those of us who were raised on video games).

      So if you give the girl exclusivity and all this other stuff really quickly…yeah of course she won’t try as hard – why should she? what does she get by continuing to put in all that effort? (men are exactly the same)

      This all comes back to the guy leading the relationship properly, which is something the majority of men fail to do.

      If done properly, these problems usually aren’t problems.

      Thanks anyway, for sharing your thoughts.
      P.S. I lived in Shanghai, Beijing, small cities and traveled everywhere so I know what am telling you about 😉

      I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a long post, so thanks a lot mate.


        1. In which regard?

          Dongbei girls drink more, are more direct in their behavior and overall sound like pirates.

          They drink and party a bit like pirates too as they have the ‘er’ accent which is stronger and thicker than the Southern accent.

          Here is a good video demonstrating the differences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbiIu_EzuWk

          Dongbei girls overall are great fun to be around with, they’re less sneaky than girls from other parts of China, although any comparison between any part of China is kinda tough because there are big differences from province to province.

          Dongbei is cold and tough, so the girls you meet from there are always interesting, I’ve dated a few girls from Dongbei, one that came from Haerbin whose parents owned some famous Chinese medicine producing company – she was one of the most polite, classy and caring people i’ve met.

          The second was a girl from Jilin, she told me that some places in the North would be so cold that if you were to buy ice cream on the streets, you could just grab it from a box, no fridge needed, as it gets below minus 30 during winter.

          So it’s an interesting place, Dongbei girls usually are taller and have big boobs, which is also pretty fantastic.

          1. Just curious, would you say that Dongbei girls are more 兇 and bitchy? What about girls from Liaoning Province? Also, would you say Northern Chinese girls are more direct when it comes to dating and relationships?

          2. I don’t think they are more bitchy….Shanghaiese girls are BY FAR the most bitchy girls in China, I’ve spent the majority of my time in Shanghai.

            Dongbei girls are more 兇 as they’re much more likely to get you drunk and give you shit for being a pussy, whereas Southern girls are gonna be more princessy (although this is grossly inaccurate for certain places in the south).

            “Also, would you say Northern Chinese girls are more direct when it comes to dating and relationships?”

            Overall, yeah.

          3. I am a Chinese American and recently met a girl originally from Liaoning Province. She is a nursing student and a PT clerk at a clothing store. We’ve already gone out on a few dates, but then she dropped the bombshell that she used to be a KTV girl. I am really thinking about not dating her anymore….what do you think?

          4. I think you should talk to her and figure out some of the ‘whys’ before making any decisions.

            Being a KTV girl obviously isn’t a great job for a girl as most of them end up having to bang lots of dudes they don’t like and prioritise money over social values.

            I know nothing about your girl, which is why I suggest, if you’re keen on her, talk to her and figure out why she did that as a job, why has she stopped and chosen to go into the glorious field of part time retail?

            As the PT clerk job would pay her probably 1/20th of what she would have gotten at the KTV.

            You should ask what her family situation is like and see what she does with her finances.

            I have no idea what sort of relationship you’re looking for, so beyond this it’s pretty difficult to give you specific advice.

            Feel free to reply here or email me at [email protected] if you want to tell me more/ask more questions.

    3. Everyone has an agenda friend and the whole concept of men traveling to these countries seeking out sex dolls is kinda adolescent behavior.
      The newness of meeting someone else and then when you get tired of her you start looking for excuses to ditch her and find another conquest.

      Typical male behavior I have been seeing all my life and it is disgusting.
      And guess what , I’m a male too and I found my babe , and she has been the only one for me. Sure I could live up to my lower male impulses and be like most of you but in the end your going to be alone if you don’t stop seeing woman as play things and start having honest intentions about a relationship.

      1. You’re making a whole lot of assumptions based off of very little information…

        The funny bit is how you are making women victims of western men. I personally think that women are smart enough to take care of themselves and decide who they do and don’t sleep with and suffer the consequences just like any other person has to take responsibility for their decisions.

          1. Whenever i hear the words yellow fever…i wonder why people don’t notice it’s a super racist thing to say i.e like it’s ‘bad’ to be really into Asian girls or something….

            I wonder what you call people who only like white people?

            Anyone know of any generic term for them?

          2. Nope. No ones knows of a generic term, because they aren’t fetishized and stereotyped like Asian women are on this sad website.

          3. If you think Asians guys don’t fetishize white girls, and foreigner loving Asian girls don’t fetishize white/black etc, you really don’t know much about the world.

          4. You’re right. I didn’t think enough before writing my comment. There are a few select individuals who fetishize them. Except its not a deeply rooted fetish that has permeated throughout all of society for a very long time, based of shallow generalizations which Asian women are waking up to.

          5. I’d say it’s a lot more than a few…probably just as common as the other way around.

            It’s very, VERY popular for Asian guys both in Asia and outside of Asia to learn specifically how to get white women.

            JT Tran, the Asian Playboy’s business is built on teaching Asian guys how to get white girls. And many dating coaches in Asia teach the same.

            I’ve had plenty of Asian clients who want to learn how to get white girls as well, and in Japan at least, there are a lot of books and articles teaching girls how to land a foreign boyfriend.

          6. Wow very interesting I didn’t realise. I just noticed you teach people how to pick up. Do you teach people of all races how to ‘pick up’ women of all races? I think those guys are just as silly as the people who browse this website, why not just treat them like you’d treat any other woman. Everytime I think pick up I think of Julien Blanc who everyone hates now… I don’t really believe in that kind of stuff because I think it’d make me objectify women even more.

          7. I teach guys of any race(and girls too if their bi/lesbian) but really only focus on teaching them about dating Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese girls.

            I’ve never really dated native English speakers because I only had one girlfriend in college before I moved to Japan in 2000 and have been in Asia ever since.

            Theoretically a lot of the principles are the same but there are definitely differences. One example is that western women seem to think of it as a big turnoff if a guy shows a lot of interest early on, whereas with Asian girls not showing a lot of interest early on will mean you go nowhere.

            Asian girls rarely if ever text or call you first, even if they like you a lot. Actually there’s a really great video by two Asian girls teaching western women about how to get Korean guys that illustrates some of the differences well:


          8. I have seen that video out of curiosity, I love when they talk about Aegyo, For me as a guy I love it,, its so cute,, but alot of guys dont like it. It stills come down to preference and being open minded about culture (for both) I think there is so much tradition in Asia and that attracts me to them

        1. What is this nonsense. Women sleep with men precisely because they know what they are doing. That includes liaisons with leaders, teachers for a better grade, etc.

          Your victimization argument falls flat. Are you saying that our society is not free for women to do what they want? And if you say our society sucks, what western guys are forcing you to have sex with them? Like guys on a pack of Marlboro cigarettes in the 1950’s?

          I don’t think America is going to put up with your statements much longer given the blatant violence against women from non-western men and particularly Islamic middle eastern men who are constantly in our plain view trying to rape and oppress all women.

          1. I’m confused.
            What is America gonna not put up with?

            And where are all the Islamic guys that are raping white women as soon as you leave the house?

        2. With that said, I think that you are hot because I like black women. If only I didn’t speak fluent Chinese, and my girl wasn’t Chinese, and my daughter wasn’t half Chinese. Snap. Later on dudes.

          1. Wow, huge mistake. The black woman is a man. Okay, take back all of the comments other than the last 2/3rds. Starting with, “i like black woman. . .”

      2. Hey,

        How are things going with your girl? Still together?

        I just wanted to point out something where you mentioned ‘lower male impulses’

        We are not more ‘evolved’ now than we were 100 years ago, you not ‘living up to’ your lower male impulses is actually you just suppressing your sexuality.

        We are biological machines build and designed for for reproduction and most of the behaviour you’re seeing is just what we are designed to do, we aren’t designed to be fair, honest and all loving.

        Now I don’t disagree if you want to try to rationalise away you’re impulses and I applaud you for being more than a ‘senseless animal’.

        I do however want to point out that you’re just trying categorise a whole bunch of human behaviours as something neanderthal whereas it’s something natural.



        1. Comment by Kane

          While, I agree that human sexuality is absolutely natural, from a biological perspective, kin selection may have played a role in fairness, honesty, and love among humans.

      3. Comment by Kane
        Michael Hansson

        Ohh my god! You are so bitter! Probably because you are a beta male buying into all the feminist propaganda!

    4. I have lived in China for a very long time too and I can speak Chinese fluently
      and I can’t agree more with you. All the things you said are absolutely true.
      Double thumbs up for you!! I feel sorry for people who fall for them.

      1. ………You’re a girl who lived in China and you have insight into dating Chinese girls and how they are as partners?

        Interesting, please share your girl on girl experiences.

        I would also like to point out that the original poster that was bashing on China went and made a new name and commented on his own post saying how correct it was but failed to change the email address…which we can see…..

        ‘ Chinese girls are most of the time moody and always depressed, check the postings on their qq’s and wechat accounts; always something about struggle in life and self conflict with choices.’

        Above is an excerpt from the first commenter:

        You attract what you are.

    5. Not all of this is correct. I used to live in Tianjin. I have 2 cousins and one is 24. She is unmarried and her parents don’t force her to marry anyone anytime soon. I’m sure not all girls are “rude or bitchy” as you say so. I’ve been to some hotels where people get annoyed, but apart from that, not so much.

      How do you know Chinese girls kick or hit their boyfriends? Have you dated any Chinese girls? It is not right to judge the people if you’ve never dated them. Just because you’ve traveled in China, doesn’t mean you know every single person. I have met people who are honest.

      After reading this, it seems that you’ve made a judgmental assumption. How can we know that you’re giving us truth, not opinion? All what you’ve written could just be made up. You haven’t given any evidence about all the points you’ve made. We can see to it that your judgement is weak.

      1. Of course, there are always exceptions. For example, if I say that in China, people speak Mandarin, there are plenty of Chinese (millions, in fact) who’s Mandarin is total shit.

        He states that he’s been in China for more than 7 years, but it’s still true that he may have a narrow view on China, and you are free to disagree.

    6. This guy, Luis, knows what he’s talking about. The creator of the article, Kayne Vag or whatever is name is, is a fucking idiot.

      Peace out

    7. Dear,
      I am a Chinese boy. I can only say it is too naive of you to think Chinese girl like that. You may find them at Thailand or Vietnam..

  2. Here are five things I think are closer to the Chinese Female.
    1: Bad breath.
    2: Bad sex.( Just lay there as it is “the mans job”)
    3: Materialistic.
    4: Only respect all peoples that have money.
    5: Like to sleep and are always tired from thinking about money.

    Marry one and find out for yourself. Oh, I should aslo add, They are souless and have no remorse as wanting everything is their “basic right:

    1. 1: Yeah but only if you are going for average boring ‘i like to watch tv and sleep’ girls, there are plenty of girls who know how to look after themselves properly.

      2. I always find girls to either be decent in bed or willing to learn to do whatever I want……i don’t expect porn stars though as most Asian girls don’t get a lot of experience compared to American or Australian girls.

      Asian girls seem happy to do whatever I want so long as I guide them to do so, they are generally pretty good people.

      3. Materialistic:
      Can you tell me a country where women aren’t materialistic?

      4: I haven’t found this to be true, I think you’re perhaps hitting up Shanghaiese girls or just the wrong types of girls…..
      Money equals security in China.

      5. There are these sorts of girls…….try googling ‘rainy chinese girl meme’ and you will see what I mean.

      I don’t find girls who like sleeping and are always tired from thinking about money….while these girls do exist, they are not the majority.

      All the girls i’ve dated (which has been alllllooooootttttt) have been interesting in various ways and if i was to make up some numbers I could say 2 out of 100 have been sleepers, I think you find boring girls in every country, although I do totally agree China definitely has a higher percentage of ‘boring people’ but there are certainly enough interesting ones that this isn’t a problem.

      1. Hi Kane, so you said you’ve dated a lot of chinese girls. But if they are so wonderful why do u break up with them and keep going through new ones?

        1. Hi Cos,

          I broke up with some of them, some of them also broke up with me, it’s what happens when you have relationships with people.

          I have met a lot of girls I’ve really liked who’ve been good for me at certain times in my life, I’ve learnt things from them and them from me, and with each experience i’ve had, i’ve learnt more about myself and about the women I like.

          I’ve had some relationships where I haven’t been the girls boyfriend and although we’ve had a good time together, some girl’s have gotten pressure from their family to get married or wanted to find a 1 person only boyfriend, as I wasn’t willing to just be with them only, they’ve moved on to find that with someone else, some girls also stick around regardless of that.

          It’s not like I’ve met a girl, dated her and then thrown her aside for the next new one, that would be silly.

          I haven’t been doing things within the traditional model of ‘bf gf’ for a lot of my dating life.

          My ultimate goal has been to learn more and more about love and relationships so that I have the best chance possible to have successful relationships with people I love.

          1. Wow! So u mean lots of Chinese girls are willing to have casual relationships and date foreigners like u who want to date multiple girls at the same time? don’t they get jealous?

    2. It’s because you are the unfortunate one lol. Or maybe you see the world in a different way since you like over generalizing the subject.

      1. It’s true for all countries to a greater or lesser extent. So for example, Japanese standards of cleanliness are far more strict than those for the US.

        Chinese standards are definitely below those of most developed countries. Manners in general are different too. So, in China, waiting in an orderly line is not so common.

        Also, in countries where the vast majority of people are middle class, money becomes less of a factor in judging people, while China still has a lot of poor factory workers and farmers so money is still a big deal comparatively.

        As far as sex goes, China has a different culture around sex than in the west (though that’s changing) and Chinese women in general, don’t think of sex as a fun activity, but like anyone they’d love to enjoy it if they could.

        Thanks for your comment.

  3. Comment by Kane
    Christopher Gam

    Chinese women are the best wives. These women know how to please their men in bed and respect them in the market place. They are home makers and not home breaker like American women. Chinese women are beautiful naturally. They do not need make up to look sweet. American women spend they lifetime in sleeping around before marriage. They have nothing to offer in marriage. The American women Likes wearing the pant without dicks, and they think, because they are women they have a special penus bigger than men. American women chase behind the dollar and get layed for it. The American women can not be trusted as a wives. They will sleep with any man and keep count of howmany men they have sleeped in their life time. American women are all used good from age 12. Chinese women have more to offer than any westen American woman. That is why american women loos their husbands to their babysiter from the Philipins. The american women spends her time socializing with men in the bar, while Chinese women are cooking a healthy meal for thie Chindren and husband.

    1. Hey now…I live in the Philippines….

      I just got married 2 weeks ago, and I love life here. It is a LOT better than in the U.S., and the women here in Asia are definitely better than Western women.

  4. As a Chinese woman, I hate almost everything you love about Chinese women. Might be the single most misogynistic thing I’ve read for a while.

    1. That’s a real shame…I’m guessing you live in the west, because in China most of these things instead of being misogynistic would be called appreciation of Chinese women.

      But as a black man, I understand how you feel. I get really upset when people assume that I have a big dick. It’s really infuriating that women are anticipating having sex with me. Oh, well.

    2. I’ll try to do better next time I write an article expounding on the virtues of Chinese women so it won’t be just a ‘might’.

  5. Sure, they know the importance in dealing with everyday life. Having a Chinese girlfriend is a great thing’ she can do a lot for you if she falls in love with you. So, just thank god if you do have one. I low Chinese girls too even though I am a Asian descent, they are fun to be with.

  6. Comment by Kane
    "Furious" George Rockwell

    And the least lucky group, those that get no luck, actually, and get all of the negatives of being a foreigner (and more) and none of the perks are, you guessed it, Black men.

  7. I belive they are money hungry and will do anything to get it like selling themselfs I do not trust them any more they have taken my heart my money and just run away to the nexted sucker

    1. There are plenty of bad ones, that’s true. Many of us have been hurt both physically and mentally by the women in our past.

      And based on my experience, they can be from ANY country. When I got better with women, I got less abuse. So think about how you can change so you don’t have that happen again while still having great relationships.

      It’s totally possible.

  8. Worst kinda is from the big cities and well educated one, they more likely has some face implant and do they not likely will only consider date you if you have some statues, avoid those all cost !

    1. This is not strictly true…I’ve lived in Shanghai for 5+ years and have met plenty of great people from all different levels of society.

  9. well there is one thing that you don’t realize the people that are chinese in china are very nice people but some for some reason the chinese people that are born in Hawaii arent so kind people don’t no my step dad said this too just giving out words.. yes i know that this is verified only for chinese and thats it right there its all about chinese and i’m just talking those chinese that are born and raised in Hawaii.

    1. I wouldn’t say that Chinese women in China are “kind” exactly. It depends on how they see you and whether you have enough value to be worth being kind to.

      They’ll happily run you over with their car if they think you’re a nobody.

  10. I am a Beijing-guy, I prefer Caucasian women.
    Not Chinese women, because westen female think mentality intereaction
    is more important than house, car, money.

    Chinese people often ask your income and other private business,
    it is an awful habit! I hate it.

    I am from Beijing but working in Singapore now.

    1. This is largely because of the way you’re interacting with them and how you present yourself. Yes, it’s true that Chinese women are concerned with these things, but that’s when there isn’t anything else about you that seems particularly interesting OR if they’re thinking about you only from a marriage perspective, and not as a fun guy they can spend time with.

      In many ways Caucasian women are less serious about their dating–part of that is because of less family pressure and part of it is because female youth is valued more highly in China which means that girls have less time to find a good mate.

    2. Go Beijing! (Mix especially!)

      Thanks for commenting William.

      I train Chinese guys in Shanghai how to find love, go on dates and be happier.

      Your comment rings true as Shanghai girls are even more picky about the house/car money combo and I hear about this a lot from the guys I teach.

      Caucasian women don’t have to play the game to secure their future so they are usually more focused on different values.

      Keep up the good work dude!


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  12. It’s ridiculous for some men to generalize that Chinese women are materialistic. As if women in the US, Canada or ANYWHERE don’t marry for money or financial stability.

    It’s ignorant, racist and stupid. Not to mention it ignores how superficial men are. Men want a gorgeous young woman who will ignore that they are ugly and poor and yet disparage the Chinese women who are looking for financially stable husbands as materialistic. Ridiculous.

    1. In all of our discussions we’re looking at it as a bell curve and the average Chinese girl is more materialistic than the average American girl which makes a lot of sense since China is still an emerging country. Women(and men, but that’s not our beat) in developing countries are much more concerned with material well being than women from developing countries as they should be.

      It throws a lot of western men off, because they’re meeting women with the same or sometimes even better financial situations than themselves and yet they still are very concerned because cultures take a while to change.

      There are plenty of Western women that are more materialistic than many Chinese women, but you should understand that China is a whole ‘nother level.

      Here are stories you wouldn’t find in the west:

      China is a materialistic place…far more than what western men are accustomed to.

      On the other hand, I’ve never heard of a western woman raping a man on the street either, so China has all kinds:

      Thanks for your comment.

        1. Have you looked at the average income of Chinese people? If you did, you’d realize they’d be idiots not to be materialistic.

          I think you missed my main point…

          Also, there is another aspect, which is that materialism is considered a bad thing in America, for example. Not so in China.

        2. I forgot to reply to this, my apologies.

          It’s not isolated incidents, anyone whose been to China and immersed themselves in the culture would have a good understand of how materialism ISN’T materialism in China, it IS China.

          Showing you have money, even in a crude way gets you respect and power from the majority of people in China.

          Everyones dream is to become and powerful so everyone will envy them.

          China came from having no money (when Mao finally won and took over) to becoming probably the most influential financial power in the world (now).

          Chinese people showing they have money is more like Chinese people showing they have success and pride for China.

          So by Western standards – Chinese people are incredibly materialistic.

          Compared to the rest of Asia?
          China is incredibly materialistic, if you don’t agree then take a trip to your local luxury goods outlet/stores (LV, GUCCI ect ect) and see who the majority of the customers are, or check out any duty free outlet in airports and see which race the customers are, the high majority are Chinese.

          I think one point you’ve missed is that we aren’t condemning the Chinese for their materialism, simply just trying to point it out.

          Here at ADM we run a different sort of show – no racism, no hating on particular groups, no petty arguments, just trying to deliver the facts, help people with their dating lives and have a good time ourselves, so we really appreciate you constructive comments.

          Also it’s kinda amusing you’re calling RPQ ignorant and racist….as he is the least ignorant and racist person I’ve ever met, and I’m from Australia, so I’ve met quite a lot of them.



          1. I didn’t call RPQ ignorant or racist, his posts are coherent and there’s clearly though. But Even intelligent men make mistakes and even well intentioned men can say something racist. Clearly your mind is made up on this subject and I’ve said what I need to say. I spend my time around very materialistic people, none of them are Chinese, the Chinese people I know are ethical, humble, non-materialistic. They work very hard, know the value of money and appreciate it.

            The difference in the US is that many people want money and material things, without hard work.

          2. Ah, true that, i misread ‘At best that’s ignorant and worse it’s racist’
            You said he is either ignorant OR racist :D.

            Either way it’s a winner!
            Yeah I can see from how you write you’re

            1. Not stupid
            2. Not a troll

            We do appreciate it.

            Please correct me if I am wrong…but to me it sounds like you’re talking about Chinese women in America.

            Which is not what precisely what we are referring too.

            When I say China, I mean Chinese people who are still living in and influenced by Chinese culture, in China.

            There is a bit of a difference between those who immigrate to America and start new lives as those people (at least from my experiences of the ones in Australia) are in Australia by dint of incredibly hard work and saving up money, not spending it like crazy.

            Whereas if you take a lot of the overseas students – there are a lot who get to Aus or America cause their parents are rich and immediately go shopping, thousands of dollars/parents credit card later they calm down.

            Anyway the point i think we were trying to make was:

            Chinese people value material goods because it gives them a particular social status which while similar to some situations in the West is fundamentally different due to culture and economical differences.


          3. My post was not an attack on RPQ, don’t make it something it’s not. I really do not assume to know someone through a few postings on the internet. All I can judge is each individual post and I took issue with the post not the person.

            My Chinese female friends are all native Chinese, not American born, they don’t come from wealthy families, they all came from poor families and are not materialistic.

            Maybe as a Westerner in China, you are attracting materialistic women and that is coloring your perception.

            I shouldn’t and honestly don’t presume to be a definitive source on “what a Chinese woman is like”, but I felt strongly about offering a different view point because the materialism comments really offend the friends I shared this with. What I find a distinguishing quality is that they are quietly considerate. They will think of things for you and do thoughtful things without asking for recognition or expecting thanks.

          4. I never said it was an attack.

            What was your issue with the post? That Chinese people aren’t materialistic and that RPQ was stereotyping unfairly?

            I didn’t say your friends were American born Chinese, I said I was referring to Chinese people who are still living in China who haven’t managed to escape/immigrate to another Western country who still live entirely surrounded by Chinese values.

            Your friends are exactly the type of people i described in my previous comment, I had some friends like that back in Australia too, they wouldn’t blatantly waste money on nothing.

            They were the minority of Chinese people and had a good concept of the value of money because they had to earn it, and it didn’t represent their amount of value in society.

            “Maybe as a Westerner in China, you are attracting materialistic women and that is coloring your perception.”

            That may be the case if i was rich and giving off the ‘sugar daddy’ vibes of a big spender, but I am not and I don’t attract materialistic girls.

            If you understood China properly, you would understand that the most materialistic girls are going for the rich local Chinese, not foreigners.

            “I shouldn’t and honestly don’t presume to be a definitive source on “what a Chinese woman is like””

            Agreed, as that’s my job and only one of us can do it :D.

            “”but I felt strongly about offering a different view point because the materialism comments really offend the friends I shared this with. What I find a distinguishing quality is that they are quietly considerate. They will think of things for you and do thoughtful things without asking for recognition or expecting thanks.””

            Ok….so…they got offended that someone pointed out some truths about their culture and country men/women sounds pretty typical.

            People getting upset about something doesn’t mean that that ‘thing’ was incorrect or wrong.

            I understand where you’re coming from as I’ve had the same experiences you’re describing with my first group of Chinese friends in Australia, I also have had the other experience in China with the massively materialistic people.

            So I agree with you, and I’m sure you agree with me.


      1. I don’t even know where to begin, you are stereotyping in a ridiculous way. As I mentioned, materialism is everywhere in the US. There are websites for rich men to meet young women and pay for their company. The AMERICAN game shows and reality shows all focus on materialism, Real Housewives, Bachelor, etc. You really are off-base and trying to justify your racism.

        1. I’m pretty sure, me pointing out that there are cultural differences in averages is not ridiculous. It’s up there with on Asians in America earn higher incomes than the country wide average.

          Just that in this case, we don’t have hard numbers or measure for materialism But, it’s extremely plausible that people who live in countries with lower income levels, no social security or medicare/medicaid would be more concerned with money than people who live in countries that have all those things.

          Call it racism if you want, but it’s not about race. Chinese people aren’t materialistic because they’re Chinese as I pointed out above. I think it’s more because it’s a developing country.

          Chinese in more developed countries–Taiwan, Singapore, the west–aren’t as concerned with money.

          So…not racism. Thanks though.

          As for the materialism in the west…I’ve been living in Asia for the past 14 years, so it’s totally possible I’ve missed the shift to increased materialism as the economy has tanked in the US.

      1. Kane, I am glad you see good qualities because in my opinion, Chinese women are very hardworking and loyal. The ratio of men to women in China greatly favors women, it is not hard to find a boyfriend/husband, yet the divorce rate is very low. In this situation, how can divorce rate be very low if you have very materialistic/selfish women?

        Loyalty and hardworking. We are raised to stay together in good times and bad times, to value family. Of course sane woman wants financial stability for her children, but that is different from wanting mansions or furs or diamonds. Living in both US and China, I think women are much more materialistic in the US, what they want is less about the children and more about for themselves.

        1. I think the main difference is that for Chinese, their role, behavior and values change drastically according to their life situation.

          So a single Chinese woman will often behave very differently from the same woman once she’s married. From a family perspective, this is really good as you point out.

          I think this confuses many western men though.

          On the other hand, western women, seem to be a bit more conflicted about their various life roles and seem to flip-flop more often among their priorities.

          I also think this makes Chinese and other Asian women more predictable and better long term mates in many respects.

        2. The divorce rate isn’t actually ‘low’….it’s very region dependent, larger cities have a much higher divorce rate and it was increasing very fast until a new law came in.

          The new law meant that if a guy and girl got married and then divorced, the mans house (if purchased before marriage and under his name) would remain his and wouldn’t be divided between them.


          In 2010 2.68 million people got divorced:


          I also read in the first article, there were approximately 5000 couples a day get divorces in Beijing alone…..

          I agree that Chinese girls are usually very loyal and hardworking and value family.

          I also agree with your point about there being a big difference between wanting financial stability for her family and living in luxury.

          I think Western people value expensive goods for different reasons to Asians, also that women are designed to seek resources (money) for valid reasons.

          China and Chinese people in particular have to value money because it is the single most important thing for health and safety within China, it opens all doors and solves all problems.

          This is something people who live in American/Australia (any Western country) that haven’t lived in China will not understand as they already have a base level of security provided by the government.

          So thanks for replying.


          1. Hey sweetsamuel

            I am happy to see comments and have constructive conversations with all of you.

            Compared to what other countries? America? (52% is what i read somewhere)

            You could spin that either way by comparing it to any number of different countries, i.e India, which has a divorce rate supposedly of 1%.

            17th out of 34 listed countries.


            You posted
            “12.97 million marriages
            2.87 million divorces”

            I don’t think that is particularly low….1 in 5 marriages ends in divorce?

            China has previously had a ‘low’ divorce rate for the following reasons:

            1. Getting divorced is a loss of face for the entire family.
            2. Getting divorced breaks the ‘family matrix’ which is the whole point of being alive for most Asian people – study, get degree, find job, get money, find girl/boy, get married, have sex, make children, create seemingly happy family.
            3. Women are not in great positions to make money without the men so getting divorce is usually a very very shitty option unless you can use the courts to swindle a lot of money from the now ex husband.

            My good friend Jennifer originally stated that the divorce rate is low in China and was comparing it to America – yeah sure, you’re comparing one of the worlds most closed off countries to the town bike of the world (America), so of course you’d consider the Chinese divorce rate to be low when looked at in that fashion.

            My original point was that in the farmer parts of China, divorce is low, domestic violence is high and it’s all very old school.

            Larger cities of China – domestic violence is probably low, divorce rate would be higher as women would have more options/power.

            Thanks for replying.

  13. I am agree with some of the things about Chinese girls here. But, not with everything. Chinese girls are more feminine than western girls. Next feminine are Indians.You would not see Western girls “do not care attitude ” with Chinese girls. They are more loyal to their lovers than other girls.

    Chinese girls go for western men because some of them are ignorant or lack with social experience. Because, they think blonde men are soft than others according to their look. They do not know western mens do not care about love much but sex. Also, they think they are richer than others, even though that is not the case always.

    Western mens do take the advantage of this. Eventually, Chinese women get know they are running after miracle.

    Western culture use its media propaganda in various means(films, news, fashion and internet) to show whole world that their men and women are better than others in every ways. But, in reality, it is opposite in many cases. Asian and Chinese women are easily get caught in this trap as they are feminine characters , at the end of everything.

    1. “”Chinese girls go for western men because some of them are ignorant or lack with social experience. Because, they think blonde men are soft than others according to their look. They do not know western mens do not care about love much but sex. Also, they think they are richer than others, even though that is not the case always.””

      Chinese girls go for Western men because Chinese guys (the ones who can’t get girls) are boring and don’t understand how to make a woman feel different emotions.

      There definitely Chinese guys who are naturally good with women – I know because i’m friends with them, I’ve also taught a good number of Chinese men to go from 屌丝 to 高富帅.

      Whereas even stupid Western men have a basic sense of humour, warmth and have enough social experience to know how to make a women a bit happier’

      This is simply because Chinese men have to study and work a lot harder than Western men just to survive, get into university, get a job ect ect ect.

      I think the stereotype that Western men are ‘richer’ than Chinese has officially died – Chinese people are getting super rich now! everyone knows what a 富二代 is.

      “Western mens do take the advantage of this. Eventually, Chinese women get know they are running after miracle.”

      People take advantage of whatever edge they have, regardless of ‘race’ or ‘gender’.

      “”Western culture use its media propaganda in various means(films, news, fashion and internet) to show whole world that their men and women are better than others in every ways. But, in reality, it is opposite in many cases. Asian and Chinese women are easily get caught in this trap as they are feminine characters , at the end of everything.””

      Err… so you’re saying that Western culture is the worst and that Eastern is the best?

      I think they both have good parts and both have incredibly fucked up parts.

      I live in China because I appreciate a lot of things about ‘Eastern’ Culture over Western Culture….I think there are things to learn from both.

      China’s culture has undergone a massive change in the last 50 years and is still recovering, changing and growing.

      Good or bad, that’s how it is.

      Kane Vast

  14. “the Chinese certainly have competition—Hong Kong girls, Japanese girls, and, lastly, the Koreans are all vying for the top spot in Asia”

    How about Taiwanese girls, it’s well known thing that Taiwanese women are one of the most beautiful women. Plus their culture is somewhere between China and Japan.

    Peace Bros ~

    1. Funny, you mention Taiwan. I’ve been living there for the past 6 months and am “investigating” them thoroughly. Lols

      I’ll report back when I have enough “samples” but for now I’ll say that the main problem is volume. There are only 23 million of them vs 55 million Koreans vs 128 million Japanese vs countless hordes of Chinese.

  15. Comment by Kane
    creeped out chinese girl

    when you generalize chinese girls like that, you’re dehumanizing them. maybe instead of seeing chinese girls as good wives, cooks, and sex objects, you can see them as actual people? btw found this website through morbid curiosity

    1. Yes, we’ve gone over this before many times. Be open minded enough to read the rest of the comments and or responses to them and a few other articles on this site. THEN feel free to decide for yourself if we really are scumbags or just having a bit of fun.

    2. ………so you’re saying ‘actual people’ don’t be ‘good’ or ‘cook’ or get idolised in a sexual way?

      I think you’re thinking too much.

      Now get into that kitchen, make me some pie and put on a maid outfit while you’re at it so i can sexually objectify you my little dehumanized asian.

  16. What a huge crock of shit that was.

    1. Chinese Women Are Super Feminine and Sweet
    No, they’re usually aggressive, vapid and materialistic. There are exceptions of course.

    2. Chinese Women Are Characterized by Strong Gender Roles
    Like many modern women, they’ll play the damsel when it suits them, and the strong, independent woman when it suits them. Not a specifically Chinese thing, but a modern woman thing. There are exceptions of course.

    3. Chinese Women Are Excited about Western Culture
    No Chinese person is excited about western (let’s call a spade a spade: “foreign”) culture, nor should they be. Typically, if they are, it’s excitement about something entirely based on purile entertainment (singing & dancing) and little else. Chinese often find the serious aspects of ‘Western’ culture tedious or inferior. That goes for both genders.

    4. Open Minded about Sex
    Absolute bullshit, unless she’s a bar hopper or KTV girl. China still has the no sex before marriage morals mostly, and many Chinese women are stll virgins well into their 20s. A lot of them also have little knowledge of the biology of sex, bearing in mind Sex Ed is not taught in China.

    5. Eager to Please
    No. Eager to be pleased more like.

    6. Chinese women cook great Chinese food!
    So do Chinese men. What’s the point of this one? Want the lil’ woman in the kitchen “where she belongs” do we?

    Now is this really what guys are looking for? A sycophantic lapdog-to-your-culture woman who cooks and gives you sex and had a ‘cute’ demeanour? How about a woman with intelligence, personality and a high degree of moral understanding. They do have those in China and it’s important to focus on them.

    1. “What a huge crock of shit that was.”

      Thanks for the constructive start.

      “1. Chinese Women Are Super Feminine and Sweet
      No, they’re usually aggressive, vapid and materialistic. There are exceptions of course.”

      Chinese women are flexible to be able to do what is necessary depending on the situation.

      I personally do not go for girls like you described…..so think of it like a flash light – you can only see what you shine it on.

      “”2. Chinese Women Are Characterized by Strong Gender Roles
      Like many modern women, they’ll play the damsel when it suits them, and the strong, independent woman when it suits them. Not a specifically Chinese thing, but a modern woman thing. There are exceptions of course.””

      Dude….this isn’t ‘modern women’ this is women of all ages.

      You basically just said ‘yeah….there are some that are like that but then there some that aren’t because there are exceptions’…..

      Sounds like you’re trying to disagree but don’t actually disagree….kinda weird.

      Chinese women are characterized by strong gender roles = Chinese women have an expected role to play within Chinese society and the high majority fit into that role.

      Clear enough?

      “”3. Chinese Women Are Excited about Western Culture
      No Chinese person is excited about western (let’s call a spade a spade: “foreign”) culture, nor should they be. Typically, if they are, it’s excitement about something entirely based on purile entertainment (singing & dancing) and little else. Chinese often find the serious aspects of ‘Western’ culture tedious or inferior. That goes for both genders.””

      It’s kinda hard to be constructive if you’re gonna chuck out ultimatums and be irrational.

      Western culture encompasses many many different things, not limited to:








      So….have a good look around China and tell me where you can’t find ‘Western’ culture….cause everywhere I go i see it.

      I do understand that the ‘Chinese’ will always be ‘Chinese’ in particular ways and probably just ‘borrow’ certain parts of Western culture when it suits them, which I think was closer to ur original point.

      “”4. Open Minded about Sex
      Absolute bullshit, unless she’s a bar hopper or KTV girl. China still has the no sex before marriage morals mostly, and many Chinese women are stll virgins well into their 20s. A lot of them also have little knowledge of the biology of sex, bearing in mind Sex Ed is not taught in China.””

      Ah…here’s where it becomes clear.

      You miswrote a part of your last comment, I shall help you correct it.

      “and many BORING Chinese women WHO I WOULDN’T DATE IN THE FIRST PLACE are still virgins well into their 20s.

      Every girlfriend I’ve had has been willing to do almost anything I wanted in bed, from blowjobs to threesomes with other girls.

      Sex ed doesn’t teach you shit about how to actually have sex.

      What’s important is that they have a willingness to try new things and Chinese girls are afraid of being publicly judged as a ‘whore’ but in private with someone they trust and feel connected with, they are open to trying/doing a whole variety of things….just ask the girl from last night :D.

      “”5. Eager to Please
      No. Eager to be pleased more like.””

      Again, this is how you handle your relationships with girls as your results are vastly different from mine.

      People all over the world want give and take, not just give and give.

      “”6. Chinese women cook great Chinese food!
      So do Chinese men. What’s the point of this one? Want the lil’ woman in the kitchen “where she belongs” do we?””

      Shanghaiese men can cook, men from other places not usually as much.

      If you like men making your food for you, that’s cool, I will not judge your sexual preferences :D.

      But seriously, I grew up with my mum cooking food for me every day….I wouldn’t be alive now if it wasn’t for her, so yeah I like girls who can cook for me.

      “”Now is this really what guys are looking for? A sycophantic lapdog-to-your-culture woman who cooks and gives you sex and had a ‘cute’ demeanour?

      It’s funny how when two people look at the same thing they see something totally different depending on their mindset.

      You see “A sycophantic lapdog-to-your-culture woman who cooks and gives you sex and had a ‘cute’ demeanour?”

      Whereas I see someone who is interested in the world, learning about more than just their own culture, who is good at cooking things that I can’t cook which also gives me a chance to learn something from them, who is willing to share a very special open trusting experience with me that brings us both pleasure.

      Who is also pretty damn cute/sexy/hot/Miss China 201*.

      So i think maybe our perspectives differ.

      “”How about a woman with intelligence, personality and a high degree of moral understanding. They do have those in China and it’s important to focus on them.””

      As for the things you’ve listed such as ‘intelligence’ ‘personality’ ‘a high degree of moral understanding’…..

      I don’t look for perfection, I value the things you listed in people, I was with one of my girls last night who spent a while in England, has an English accent and a good understanding of foreign culture.

      I can discuss complex issues about biology, social psychology and specific cultural issues for various countries with her.

      She makes me laugh.

      She hasn’t done anything messed up yet…..(depends how you look at what we did in bed last night :D) and is a pleasure to be with.

      Thanks for the comment.

      Hope my reply helps you think.

      I am more than willing to question my own comments, thoughts and beliefs, i hope you are willing to do the same.

      Kane Vast

      1. Dude, it’s just an opinion. Likewise, it’s good to know you put the effort into writing such a long screed to defend your opinion, I still disagree with you though.

        1. “”What a huge crock of shit that was.””
          That was straight out dismissal of my article, not just an opinion.

          I would feel bad if I wrote you a short unthought out reply as the point of discussion is to learn and teach.

          I am unsurprised you disagree with me.

          Have a good day.

          Kane Vast

  17. I am a Shanghainese man.I can tell you chinese woman is almost garbage.The guy Kane and Luis said is both true. Because they contact different group of chinese woman.But almost woman is worse.Because high sex ratio make chinese woman become degeneration in personality and human image.You can see almost low ratio country woman is almost Darkie and Charming, like russia Sweden and brazil,but their man is almost drab and worse(in woman way).In turn,chinese is Situation like antirussia. In china,the victim is the chinese man.They be treated like dog.,no matter he is rich or not.When the foreigner come to china,they will use their low ratio Energy to make chinese girl loveable is shortime,but when he is Integration china,he will be treated like dog finally. This bad Atmosphere will Influence all over world,china s influence is become powerfu ,So, we must change it together.

    1. “In china,the victim is the chinese man.They be treated like dog.,no matter he is rich or not.When the foreigner come to china,they will use their low ratio Energy to make chinese girl loveable is shortime,but when he is Integration china,he will be treated like dog finally. This bad Atmosphere will Influence all over world,china s influence is become powerfu ,So, we must change it together.”

      I live in Shanghai, almost all my friends are Shanghaiese, I’ve dated Shanghaiese girls, I know Shanghai better than I know my own home country.

      Everyone in China is a victim – China is a cutthroat place, Shanghai is an incredibly competitive city, Shanghaiese are incredibly status focused and competitive people.

      Rich Chinese guys don’t get ‘treated’ like dog, they usually get treated very well as they have the confidence of a rich guy.

      Weak men get treated like shit, everywhere, not just China.

      I know this because i’ve spent a lot of time trying to help a lot of weak men become stronger, every week I teach a new bunch of Chinese men how to improve themselves.

      There are fucked up people all over the world, you do meet a fair few in big cities in China because that’s what high pressure and competition produce.

      So I can understand how some people would come to China and get ‘fucked over’ by the Chinese be it male or female….

      I can also say that if you’re smart and not a negative person then you’re rarely going to get any really bad experiences unless you bring them upon yourself.

      As i said before – you attract what you are.

      If you’re weak and stupid – you will be used.
      If you’re confident and powerful – you will not.

      1. I guess your chinese language is not good enough to deep know the loacl news and things. In high sex ratio,tha man will be almost low value,their confidence and manhood become low. But everything has Exception example,just like you say sucessful rich man . Like india has rich person,
        but you cant say india is richer than america. America has poor people,but amreica s rich is more high level than india.Just like north korea or
        africa Environment cant make people rich,China environment is not make man like other country man .This is more serious problem,it will influence
        the world.

        1. My Chinese is good enough to understand local news, I am currently learning how to speak Shanghaiese, which I wouldn’t be doing if my Chinese was lacking.

          The local news isn’t a very reliable source of real information.

          I teach in Chinese and spend usually my whole day speaking it.

          China has lots of guys and not so many women…sure…but most of those men are outside the big cities.

          You can go to any big shopping centre in Shanghai and see at least 70% more women than you do men.

          About confidence and manhood – you are speaking of probably your own experience, I know many men who have overcome this.

          One of the most important parts is that you stop giving yourself value based on:

          1 How much money you make
          2 Your social status/job

          I know these things are incredibly important to Chinese people, but if you focus on improving other parts of yourself and learning seduction skills, you can get girls.

          What you said about China’s environment not creating confident men – yeah sure, China’s society has some problems in this regard, which is why I teach men to be better, stronger, more confident and happier.

          I have a free event this Saturday on Valentines day, if you want to come, add my wechat: KaneVast

  18. Western guy thwarted encounter on western woman make they over beautification and Hold too much expectations in asian woman.But chinese woman is not that expectation good.Allmost woman has defect in world.But chinese woman level is more higher than western and other.If you put down your prejudice take heart to find western or black woman ,you will find more better than you in chinese find.

  19. Wow, great discussion. I see truth in both kane and luis. I met an amazing 28 y old in beijing recently. She is classically caught between two worlds; The old traditional family pressured expectation to be a virgin till marriage. Love comes after marriage is what she tells me. She is considering meeting the family vetted man line up to choose a husband,. .. and the new independent woman looking for freedom and choice about her body. She is a total hybrid. I have slept with her. Bathed with her, kissed her and held hands in public. She has told me she misses me and likes me. But I have not had intercourse with her. She has told me she will have intercourse with me. All this while I have been completely honest with her and told that I will never remarry and that I have had a vasectomy. So she is thinking to have this relationship with the full knowledge that there is no traditional future. The future she sees With me is one of discovery, adventure, excitement, travel, sexual Experience beyond anything she would otherwise experience. These are choices you would normally see in a free minded western woman and this girl has never left China. It tells me that things are changing, albeit at a snails pace. She never dated a western guy before But she approached me first. I thought she was a scammer at first but now I know she is not.

    It’s amazing to see the dichotomy within her. After our first date she said she wanted me to buy her a bracelet. We went shopping and she had it all picked out. A 3000$ gold bracelet. I just about had a heart attack. After the first date!! This was her traditional self looking to see if l was serious about her. She said this is how it was done in china. This was done to see if I was husband worthy. I told her no way and we went and bought some sexy jeans instead. Them we slept together that second night and she was all over me.. she is a total jekyll and Mr Hyde. I am trying to develop the jekyll side by encouraging her free minded independent self. I don’t think she will ever be happy if she marries some stranger and then, having saved herself, has intercourse with this stranger. This is the conundrum that modern Chinese city girls are faced with, The desire to experience the new world in front of them and being hammered by old outdated Chinese ways. These old ways are just more of the same with weak men oppressing their women so they can feel a sense of power. It will not last in the fast changing material world that China is becoming. The Internet access is changing things even faster than the communists can keep up.

    Where this relationship is going is unknown. My thing is to be exceedingly honest with her and let her find her path. Most likely I think she will fall prey to the traditional juggernaut. But hopefully in the intermediate she can experience a little of what the world outside china has to offer and with each generation the wonder lust will continue to blossom as she passes on her dreams to her daughter.

    ok, unleash the hammering pessimists.

  20. I live in Jakarta. I like to meet an English speaking Chinese girl, single, willing to relocate and live outside China. She should be slime, sexy with good tits.

  21. Hey dude
    I think you’re such an asshole
    You know what I felt when I read through your passage?
    You treat Chinese women as goods, as a products but not a human being
    Yeah, Chinese women can treat you very good in return, they can cook and they can be a local guide, also teach you Chinese to flirt with other Chinese girl
    I don’t know how many Chinese girlfriend you have met but I’m sure they cried for you after broke up
    So, you have to reflect on how you treat Chinese women.

    1. Hi Tiffany,
      Sorry about the year late reply, who is an asshole? I love these sort of comments.

      Just in case you’re talking to me, i’ll reply anyway!

      I treat women are goods, but not as human beings!
      Nay! I have never taken a pair of shoes out to dinner, but have bought many Chinese people dinner.

      I’ve also never had a Chinese girl teach me to flirt with other Chinese girls, they just mainly tried to sabotage the other girl.

      How many Chinese girl friends i’ve had?
      A lot
      How many Chinese males have I become friends with during my time in China?
      Also a lot.

      I treat Chinese girls the same way I treat Australian girls – well.

  22. Oh my god. I still get completely nauseated by the fact that these “dating sites” still exist. Wow. Chinese women have: “worked with me to pick up another girl for a threesome—nothing says love like loving two girls at once;” I was drinking coffee and accidentally spit it up when I read this line. What are you kidding? To keep a lighter attitude about these cultural differences, I have to respond: “Haha, that’s rationalization for prostitution!” With that said, as a Japanese American woman, I’ve been harassed constantly by naive and stupid men who read these sites and think it’s completely fine to grope and or start hitting on me when in public (even with my family around)! One idiot decided to start off a conversation with “ni hao” and wanted to know which province I came from in China while I was shopping at Whole Foods in CT with my 5 year old niece. That creep totally scared my niece and came across as a pedophile! Does this site allow me to upload pictures of these idiotic men that come into my perfect suburban life and try to disturb it? Because it’s only fair that a 35+ year old Japanese-American person with a cute 5 year old niece give you feedback for the crap that you are encouraging on this site, correct? Please kindly, tell these men to stop doing these things in Americanized neighborhoods. I don’t have anything against their GAME, but play that -ish in the asia towns of major cities. This nonsense is definitely not welcome in the suburbs! My grandparents worked very hard when they came to this country so that their female children wouldn’t have to be subjected to that sexist crap at a young age. Keep that ghetto crap in the inner cities and wear a condom so that I don’t have to pay taxes to support you when you end up with a lifelong STD problem. Freakin’ nasty.

    1. This comment shows how close minded you are…did you consider that the girl ENJOYS this? There are plenty of women who like girl on girl. There are plenty of swingers, couple swapping clubs both in western countries, as well as in Asia, especially Japan.

      It’s funny that you’re upset about being stereotyped and then go on to stereotype by saying, ” Keep that ghetto crap in the inner cities and wear a condom so that I don’t have to pay taxes to support you when you end up with a lifelong STD problem.”

      I can see, you REALLY are Americanized having fully adopted the racist attitudes of the white culture…congratulations!

      All the writers for this site LIVE IN ASIA. This site isn’t about white washed Asians like you, lols. It’s about REAL Asians.

      1. I completely understand that they enjoy this. I don’t agree with it for the sheer fact that it spills over to hurting my family.

        I do pay taxes to support things like this. A lot of it. Have you seen the HIV/AIDS statistics?

        Let’s stick to the original issue, not deflect it by calling me closed minded and racist. In which case, I am closed-minded and racist – but it’s not going to change.

        It’s just an opinion. My opinion. I’m letting you know the repercussions of this behavior and where this behavior is not appropriate and unwelcome.

        Anyway, if I were to go into your neighborhood and non-chanlantly solicit your mom at the grocery store for a butt f*** with me wearing a strap-on… would you consider that disrespect or would you say that she’d ENJOY it?

        As you said, some people like girl on girl action. Who’s to say that your mom might say yes to me if I approach her at the grocery store (just for the sheer fact that her son has this view point that some girls ENJOY it)?

        With that said, although some people may enjoy the attention and money thrown at them… it is in our best interest not to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM as in the end, these naive girls are still human beings and have a life ahead of them.

        Also, please contact me. I’d like to set you up with a local Asian society in your area, a professional one with decent people. I frankly mean no disrespect towards you (or your mother, it was an extreme example), but I do think that professional organizations might give you a different view point on this matter.

        Look, I was young once also. I think what you are saying is truly disgusting, but I also know that you are entitled to your opinions.

        Best of luck in life.

        1. Who says, they’re naive girls? I think it’s really not reasonable to assume so little of other women.

          As for setting me up with the “local Asian society,” I’ve been living in Asia for 15 years…Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. I know far more about Asia than you do, but I appreciate the offer.

        2. “I completely understand that they enjoy this. I don’t agree with it for the sheer fact that it spills over to hurting my family.

          I do pay taxes to support things like this. A lot of it. Have you seen the HIV/AIDS statistics?”

          If you don’t wanna be approached by random white guys, don’t live in a city full of random white guys.

          “Let’s stick to the original issue, not deflect it by calling me closed minded and racist. In which case, I am closed-minded and racist – but it’s not going to change.

          It’s just an opinion. My opinion. I’m letting you know the repercussions of this behavior and where this behavior is not appropriate and unwelcome.”

          You being close minded and racist is the issue, you don’t wanna let girls get a bit of pussy.

          What are the repercussions? You going on the internet and having a cry?

          No one cares, you’re not a special snowflake and you have to take responsibility for yourself, it’s a equal world.

          “Anyway, if I were to go into your neighborhood and non-chanlantly solicit your mom at the grocery store for a butt f*** with me wearing a strap-on… would you consider that disrespect or would you say that she’d ENJOY it?”

          So…does that mean some guy walked into ur neighbourhood wearing a strap on (or just had his own penis) and asked to butt fuck you?

          If so, that’s an amazing story.

          As for you doing it – yes, please do, i’m sure my mother would laugh, tell you to bugger off and forget about it.

          Not go on the internet and blame people who give dating advice for your own inability to deal with life.

          “As you said, some people like girl on girl action. Who’s to say that your mom might say yes to me if I approach her at the grocery store (just for the sheer fact that her son has this view point that some girls ENJOY it)?

          With that said, although some people may enjoy the attention and money thrown at them… it is in our best interest not to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM as in the end, these naive girls are still human beings and have a life ahead of them.”

          If you’re interested in my mum, just come right out and say it, i can pass along her contact details, but i don’t like ur chances, she’s probably not into crazies.

          You’re victimising girls by saying they are naive and weak ect ect ect, that’s retarded, girls are really smart and can take care of themselves.

          “Also, please contact me. I’d like to set you up with a local Asian society in your area, a professional one with decent people. I frankly mean no disrespect towards you (or your mother, it was an extreme example), but I do think that professional organizations might give you a different view point on this matter.”

          Hahahahahahahaha RPQ already explained that we know Asia better than you do, so thanks but no thanks.

          “Look, I was young once also. I think what you are saying is truly disgusting, but I also know that you are entitled to your opinions.

          Best of luck in life.”

          Which part?

          You’re certainly not young now 😀 which is pretty funny, as most older birds would appreciate some guy giving them a bit of attention rather than having an internet freak out about it.

    2. Well actually if you add 3 people into the mix, there is more ‘love’ than if it was just two.

      So Math, backs me up here.

      Plus girls like it, so…who am I to deny someones happiness?

      You sound a little BATSHIT CRAZY.

      As you just said ‘Someone at the shopping centre said hello to me in a foreign language and asked me where i was from’ and this person is somehow a pedo?

      Yeah…ok….ur not crazy at all.
      If you have problems with people interacting with you in public, simple – don’t go out in public.

      Sometimes on the street random people approach me to try and scam me or ask for money or directions or whatever – I don’t suddenly blame all these people…..its just what happens when i leave the house, and i’m not even good looking.


      We didn’t tell any guys ‘Ok guys, here’s what we want you to do, step one – go to an Americanised Neighbourhood, step two – approach old Japanese girls with kids, step three – don’t be unappreciative of how hard their grandparents worked to get into the country.

      Nope…theres no where on our website that tells people to do that.

      If you don’t want people approaching you – get a sex change, it will lower your encounter rate dramatically.

  23. I was in Tianjin for the last 2 weeks.The Chinese girls I have meet has all been lovely and sweet. Wish I can go back soon..

  24. Hi Kane , brilliant text mate , i married my super cute chinese babe. and nothing even comes close to all the Aussie women i had, she is just worlds apart in brains, kindness, love , cuteness , super sexy , stunningly beautiful, sizzling hot and dynamite in bed , I am living the dream, I just adore my wife

  25. just a big mouth from the west. Let notice that the above photograph is pretty chinese girls but wihtout any western men, it is sth a copy and paste. Let show a photograph of a chinese girl with a western man to prove that a western man can marry a pretty chinese, not an ugly one.

    1. It’s definitely possible…it’s just that most Western guys have non Asian beauty standards for Asian girls. They think that Asian women like Lucy Liu are really attractive when she’s terrible by Chinese standards.

    1. Which ones?
      Can you tell me where they are exactly so i know where to stay away from them form?

      I saw some really old ladies dancing in the square near the shopping centre the other day, do you mean those ones?

  26. Women anywhere differ in their behavior dictated by the rules of the society they live in. There are ancient rules that override any cultural rules. Since men and women are needed to insure the continuation of the human kind there are rules that are forced on both sexes. There are also roles forced on men and women.
    If we compare a family to a small firm then the role of the boss was given to the woman. The man is the worker. Woman as a boss is in charge of running the general direction of the firm. This is why women are equipped with talent to do several things simultaneously while men posses deep knowledge at specific fields.

    The duty of determining the future evolution is fully in the hands of the woman. She does it by bearing the children and educating them. She also decides how next generation evolve by selecting the man to mate with. If she chooses tall man then the next generation will be taller, etc.
    Men as the workers are more physically powerful, this power gives them the illusion of superiority on the weak sex. They are more powerful only for the purpose of being better workers.
    Women are materialists because it is needed for their role.
    The only thing that forces man to stay the worker for the wife and the children is his addiction to sex, I don’t mind if you call it love. The sex is the chain and ball that tie us to this life long slavery.

  27. Comment by Kane
    K.V. lives in France

    Please don’t denigrate asian women, if you don’t like them. You can say, I don’t like them, but stop criticize them for all stuffs.

  28. Comment by Kane
    Blues of Morderer

    Interesting article. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.

    However, I should say that your comments about getting girls to do girl on girl action are pretty juvenile. Although I remember experimenting with this stuff 20 years ago, it is a bit sophomoric. It reminds me of this 20 y.o. white guy pervert from Berkeley whom I met a while back, when he lived in Shanghai, and who would boast about being able to get anal sex with Chinese girls he’d date. Very sophomoric.

    Also, I have to admit, western guys in China are pretty ugly. They are not the preferred “mate” for Chinese women. So I am guessing that you are not attracting the prettiest girls around, unless they are desperate in their relationships.

    1. It is definitely true that most western guys in China are getting with low grade women. Chinese guys wonder why foreign guys like ugly women.

      As for having the kind of sex you like being sophomoric…that’s just a value judgement.

      I’m a big fan of anal sex, and women really like it you do it right, and I don’t see it as being sophomoric at all. It’s just more bedroom fun.

      I have friends who like getting peed on. Whatever floats your boat., go for it.

      I’m totally happy to coach women I date so they can do backflips in the bedroom. You can check out how I do it at:


      Thanks for your comment.

    2. Ok…..so…I’m…attracting…ugly girls…cause…i’m a foreigner?
      Well bravo good sir bravo, your logic astounds me.

      I think if you were ‘experimenting’ with this stuff 20 years ago, then you’re probably a little too old to be posting here.

      Also you sound a little jealous of your sexually open minded friend/the guy you’re bad mouthing.

      Chinese girls are not as open to banging lots of dudes sport fuck style as compared to Western girls, i wouldn’t say they aren’t good at sex, depends on the PERSON not on the RACE.

      China did invent the Tao of sex btw.

      Lastly in closing:

      I find it disturbing that you are noticing the attractiveness of the ‘western guys’ in China rather than the beauty of the Chinese girls.

      I would go even further to suggest that you are perhaps projecting some of your own irrationalities and issues onto us.

      We got the hawt chikx and after a few sessions with us they are banging like porn stars!

  29. Can I say something? Can the dating relatioshlps between white men and Asian women get the same treatment as the dating between black men and white women or Hispanic men and white women? I am sorry but we live in a large society that is still currently white in some places. Wow. That’s so wrong.

  30. Your no.Chinese expert, just another white ( laowai biantai) ! Are you for real?? Ni de renpin hen cha,.jinyu qi wai, bai xu.qi.zhong!’ Clearly an uneducated pervert, .any Chinese girl.would be laughing at your amateur knowledge.

    1. Hi Jon.

      I’m glad you have such a strongly qualified opinion of me yet you don’t even know me.
      You’re right, I’m not ‘a Chinese expert’.

      I’m a Chinese Girl and Dating Expert.

      You also are correct on another point, Chinese girls do laugh when they’re around me, usually more at my jokes rather than my amateur knowledge though.

      I have a question for you:

      I wrote an article saying all the things I thought were GREAT about Chinese girls, the articles point was to express how much I like Chinese girls and people.

      Which part of that is perverted?

      如果你还有什么问题或者不理解的点,你可以email我 [email protected] 你也可以去查一下 坏男孩凯恩 然后你会发现我在中国就是最qualified的外国情感导师。

      谢谢你来我们的网站make a fool of yourself, 每一次碰到这样的情况我的心里真的非常开心.

    2. Hi Jon.

      I’m glad you have such a strongly qualified opinion of me yet you don’t even know me.

      You’re right, I’m not ‘a Chinese expert’.

      I’m a Chinese Girl and Dating Expert.

      You also are correct on another point, Chinese girls do laugh when they’re around me, usually more at my jokes rather than my amateur knowledge though.

      I have a question for you:

      I wrote an article saying all the things I thought were GREAT about Chinese girls, the articles point was to express how much I like Chinese girls and people.

      Which part of that is perverted?

      如果你还有什么问题或者不理解的点,你可以email我 [email protected] 你也可以去查一下 坏男孩凯恩 然后你会发现我在中国就是最qualified的外国情感导师。

      谢谢你来我们的网站make a fool of yourself, 每一次碰到这样的情况我的心里真的非常开心.

  31. Dear,

    I am a Chinese boy. I can only say it is too naive of you to think Chinese girl like that. You may find them at Thailand or Vietnam, or some Japanese girl maybe.

  32. From my experience… I can agree and disagree..

    I have only one experience, with having only one Chinese girlfriend in my life (one years) and she was honest and sweet. She was traditional, shy, educated in one of the best Beijing universities, clothed as photo model, not childish, not wasting money, not expressed feelings in the street, pays for meals exactly as I did, her family were against the relationship with me, but she did it, what I saw in my visits to China that Chinese women are rarely embraced their couple in the streets (Beijing) and they exposed their legs only because legs not treated as sexy part in Asian culture(Guy, please remember this part I said!!!).
    When my girl friend visited my country, I had to tell her bring long skirts (because I am living in dawn conservative place!) to avoid comments and stupid propositions and her legs were very sexy. She loved living in China and did not want my citizenship just to keep option for possible kid to select his/her way because in China no double citizenship option existing.

    She were ready to sacrifice her brilliant career (really good place of work in Beijing and good salary, I saw her paper after filling visa) and start living with me in my country.

    I visited her family and it was not easy at all. I got ill because it was very cold and the toilet was in the street and whole the village came to ‘interview’ me because her mother wanted to be ‘famous’. I got tired and I had to smile all the time it was hard. In my culture, we do not smile if we do not feel good. But in Chinese culture, if you do not smile, people feel you do not like them. So, when I did not smile, some people felt insulted and left. So, I had to smile constantly like clown in circus with 39 degree of fever during 2 days of Spring festival in February. But it was OK because she did her effort for my country visit and it was not easy for her either.

    From other point of view, she could not accept why I take care about my current kids from other women (ex-wife), so, she thought I will not treat her well and she will be unhappy all her life, it was constant issue. I spent a lot of time to convince her it will not be like that. It ruined our relationship. I could not leave me kids and move to China. I am a father. From other side, I could not allow such conflict. So, I selected to break up and give her to continue her life. I understand it is mentality.

    You need to understand the mentality gap for both side. It is very hard. Not only nice legs and smooth care about your man ego trip!

    You marry a wife, you take human creature to home, not a pet that will take care about you.

  33. You describe about Chinese women and about their culture very well. They are very kind and understandable. This blog is very helpful to know more about Chinese girl. Keep sharing 🙂

  34. only the first few minutes, then boring all the way, it’s cold inside there and it’s soupy not sticky

  35. Really I have also loved a Chinese girl lived in Henan province but somebody tells bad things about me to her and she believes but I still love her very much

    1. No, not at all. Surprisingly different. Arguably more sexually open than Mainland girls definitely less sweet.

      Also Taiwanese girls can pretty much never cook. Especially if they’re from Taipei.

      I’d say that while Taiwanese girls may be willing to do things for their guy, they are not very enthusiastic about it, so I guess you could say that they will, but I wouldn’t call them “eager”.

  36. Comment by Kane
    Robert Gary Stanway

    Been most places around the world your Bangkok, Rio,, Amesterdam…etc blah blah you get what I mean could of gone work in china but didn’t fancy going,As an Asian love x wife from Bangkok say no more but I’m going hopefully and finally get there to changsha meet a lady if she is real So fingers crossed 🤞😁

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