
Don’t Date – Just Bang! RedpoleQ Shows you How

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Mia

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Don’t Date – Just Bang! RedpoleQ Shows you How

by Socrates Why not just bang? I was out with a friend the other day. We were talking about bars and clubs, day game and night game. He started getting into his technique for pulling girls out of clubs and back to his apartment when, in passing, he mentioned that […]

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Glam - a Highly Recommended Bar in Itaewon

Glam – a Highly Recommended Bar in Itaewon

Glam is a classy upscale venue in, what has turned out to be over the last few years, an increasingly upscale neighborhood. Sexy internationalized women in stylish looking clothes, as well as great drinks, and fantastic layout make it a place worth spending your weekends in.

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