
I Hate Valentines Day – China

Last Updated on April 23, 2024 by Mia

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I Hate Valentines Day – China

Valentine’s Day is far different in China than in Japan, or South Korea. Chinese women have inflated expectations when it comes to Valentine’s Day… and as a guy, you’ll be expected to live up to them. This can be a huge problem if you’re dating multiple girls, but luckily Kane has a few suggestions that will be a huge help.

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Is A Thai Valentine’s Day Different?

Thailand is an incredibly beautiful country, and the women can look great as well. Don’t blow it by doing something dumb this Valentine’s Day. Take a look at what Dan Bloom suggests for how to have Valentine’s Day run smoothly for you and your Thai girlfriend.

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Avoid A Valentine’s Day Massacre – Japan

If you have a lot to take care of during Valentine’s Day – multiple girlfriends, or even just cute cuddly students – then you should think about how you’re going to avoid a spectacular Valentine’s Day massacre. Knowing which dangers to avoid will go a long, long way in keeping you safe.


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In the West we consider lying a great sin. We criticize people for doing it, and we try to maintain an air of honesty ourselves. Asia is different, and understanding that is key to having successful relationships.

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Is She Cheating on You? Using Patterns to Tell

Guys can be absolutely clueless about what their girlfriend is doing. It’s important to tune-in to her behaviour to get a sense of what’s happening in the relationship, though. Using patterns is just one way to get a solid insight into the health of your relationship, and to find out if there is any scandalous behaviour going on when your girlfriend is out.

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Is My Girlfriend Cheating on Me?

Almost nothing feels worse than being cheated on. Before you decide what is actually going on with your girlfriend’s behaviour, make a note about these three key behavioural signals.

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