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What Is Asia Dating Experts?

Asia Dating Experts is a blog dedicated to meeting, dating and having relationships with Asian women. We run an Asia Dating Blog where we discuss meeting, dating, relationships and sex with Asian women from Korea, China, Japan and other countries in Asia.

Our site focuses on Asian women who live in Asia, but our advice can work for meeting Asian women anywhere (including online dating and in western countries).

Who Runs Asia Dating Experts?

Asia Dating Experts is run by a small team of expats in Asia who have been teaching seminars and private consultations on dating and lifestyle in Asia for over 10 years.

We've personally helped hundreds of men meet and date the Asian women of their dreams and improve their lifestyles in countries like Korea, Japan, China and Taiwan. Many of our clients have gone on to get married or start their own businesses in Asia after working with us.

We started Asia Dating Experts as a way to share our knowledge about Asian women and Asian dating cultural with a bigger audience.

How Can I Find An Asian Girlfriend Or Wife?

This is a very difficult question, because it really depends on your individual situation. If you're living in a big city in Asia already, then your best move is probably to go out and meet girls in real life venues like clubs, bars, coffee shops or on the street.

This activity of approaching and meeting girls you don't know is called Cold Approach Pickup and is a skill you can develop. We actually teach a live, Approach Mastery course where one of our executive coaches will teach you how to approach Asian women.

If you're not already living in Asia, then it might be best to meet women online using dating apps like Tinder or OkCupid. We also teach a Text Messaging Mastery seminar to learn the skills of text game with Asian women.

From Our Asian Dating Blog