
5 Levels of Isolation

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Mia

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5 Levels of Isolation

A lot of guys things that getting anywhere with women only requires a silver tongue and great looks. In our experience, that’s far from it. men who ignore the importance of isolating their girl to step things up a notch usually come out frustrated. Here’s the 5 levels of isolation that she’s praying you know.

Why Your Conversations Don't Work

Why Your Conversations Don’t Work

How are your conversations with the opposite sex? While you might not think so, they’re probably worse than you realize. Having conversations with women is not something the flows naturally for a lot of guys – having effective conversations, conversations that help you attract and date women you’re interested in, takes skill. You have to know what you’re doing to have the best shot at getting what you want. Luckily, we have a pretty good idea how how to engage women, and we’ll give you the first few steps right here on our site. Enjoy!

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How to Meet Women in South Korea

There is a tonne of misinformation floating around when it comes to how hard or easy it is to date Asian women, especially Korean women. A lot of guys think that it’s a simple matter of being a foreigner, and saying hi, while other’s are pretty convinced that meeting and dating Korean women is akin to discovering the cure for cancer. Both miss the mark by a wide margin… find out why, here.

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Welcome to the REAL Gangnam Style

Gangnam is one of those iconic areas, not just for Psy’s super-hit, “Gangnam Style,” but also for what it displays about life in Korea. Spend time in Gangnam, and you’ll get a sense of the life Koreans aspire to, and be able to watch some of the ensuing weekend chaos.

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Before Gangnam Style There Was…Itaewon Freedom!

My first trip to South Korea was an eye-opener. Not only was I amazed at just how great Korean women were, I was introduced to an exceptionally open part of Seoul, Itaewon. Over the years Itaewon has gone through a substantial upgrade, but all this time it’s stayed true to its roots as the Mecca for open-minded, free-spirited women who want to escape the constraints of Korean culture.

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Why Do I Get Rejected by Women?

A lot of guys think that when a woman rejects them she is rejecting them for who they are deep down inside. Truth is, there are a lot of reasons why women reject guys, and a lot don’t really have anything to do with you. Your best bet is to not only roll with the punches, but learn from every reaction you get,

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How to be Attractive to Asian Women

A lot of people think that attraction is a matter of luck, or physical characteristics. Nothing could be further from the truth. Attraction is something that can be enhanced, or destroyed, and you have tremendous power of control over it.

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Live from Octagon: the Importance of Your State of Mind When Meeting Women

A lot of guys neglect how important state of mind is when talking to women, focusing instead on knowing what to say and how good looking they are. While these things are important, state of mind is by far more important when it comes to having success with women. Ignore state of mind at your own peril, but learn how to control it and your success will dramatically improve.

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