What You Can Learn About Bad Mojo From Poker
Poker players have an advantage in learning game due to the concepts and behaviors they have to master. Here’s one concept that’s critical to meeting girls.
Poker players have an advantage in learning game due to the concepts and behaviors they have to master. Here’s one concept that’s critical to meeting girls.
by Martin Previously, I wrote about how at any given time there is usually one thing that is the primary bottleneck to your success with women. I also mentioned that there are 7 major areas that bottlenecks tend to fall into: mental attitude and discipline initial approach and meeting women
Everybody faces bottlenecks when learning how to get better with women. We’ve certainly had our share. Use our pain and suffering to your advantage.
RedpoleQ definitely knows his stuff. After 3 years I’m still glad I chose a boot camp with him. Here’s why I took it and what I got out of it.
by RedpoleQ When I first heard about “game” I was living in Osaka, Japan. My crew of friends and I were all about picking up women and we had a very machine-gun-like approach to the process. We were all about working the law of averages, knowing that if we talked